Hella lighting (4kq) -- cops search?

Robert Myers rmyers at oak.total-web.net
Sun Dec 24 15:49:18 EST 2000

Try this experiment, RR.  Dissolve a little table salt (sodium chloride) in 
water.  Dip a wire in the solution and heat the wire in a well adjusted 
(blue) gas flame.  (Perhaps you have a gas range or you can use a propane 
torch or the like.  It would be best to use a nichrome wire.  If copper 
wire is used there will also be a brief flash of greenish light mixed with 
the yellow which might be a bit confusing.)  Observe the strongly colored 
yellow flame thus produced.  This is "sodium yellow".  The visible emission 
spectrum of sodium consists almost exclusively of two very bright lines of 
quite close wavelength in the yellow portion of the visible spectrum.  This 
is the same yellow light you will see at certain industrial sites which 
have bright yellow night-time lighting.

At 03:14 PM 12/24/00 -0500, Rave Racer wrote:

>         Maybe I'm color blind.  I can't remember where I heard it called
>that.  (Coughing up foot)  Must've been at the local tuners emporium.  I
>should know what color the sodium bulbs really are, but don't know why I
>remember them being blue.  Maybe I'm thinking of another chemical.  Helium?
>Or is that red?
> >
> > the part that is confusing me is that sodium lights are typically a
> > weird orangey-yellow light...
> >
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  Robert L. Myers  rmyers at oak.total-web.net     Home 304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
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