4KCS starting/running issues

patrick austin paanta at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 24 13:25:11 EST 2000

'lo all,
  I've recently purchased a 4000CS Quattro rally car
(http://people.bu.edu/paanta/gli.html) and right now
the car seems to be running pretty rich.  If I turn it
off and immediately try to re-start it, it won't start
until it's sat for a few minutes, the oil is getting
dirty pretty fast, it backfires some, and my milage
ain't so great.  The engine was rebuilt with pistons
from a GTI (slight compression bump) in 1995 and it
only has about 6000 miles on it.  My previous cars
have been CIS-E and Motronic, so I don't know the
first thing about checking out this system.  I also
don't yet have a repair manual for the 4K...I've got
one on order now, but I'm going to be driving the car
from Traverse City, MI to Boston, MA on Wednesday.
  What are some likely culprits and solutions?  As I
don't even know where all the adjustment screws are,
I'd love a more detailed description.  
  Oh, and if you could foward replies to paanta at bu.edu
I'd appreciate it...I get most of my mail there.


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