Off Boost Misfire SOLVED

Steve Jensen sjensen at
Tue Dec 26 17:01:32 EST 2000

Right after I posted about the coil change fixing the misfire problem my TQW
said "Hah, you are wrong young Skywalker" and the misfire came back.  This
was after replacing the coil, plugs, wires, dist. cap and rotor.

Symptom was it would start up and idle fine, but about half hour into any
trip it would begin misfiring, typically coming off boost and then no power
at all.  Michelin man and all hoses fine, grounds in place and clean,
repeatedly dumped codes after it happened and got 4444: no stored codes.
Good gasoline from a reputable station.  Nuts.

Well, it turned out to be the fuel pump relay.  I didn't think it was the
relay because whenever I hit the key to start I heard the fuel pump 'whir'
from the back of the car, but apparently the relay was overheating and
providing just enough power to 'whir', but not enough to pump the gas at the
necessary pressures.  Swapped the relay and voila! the TQW I know and love
has returned!

Next Christmas I'm asking Santa for some gauges to check fuel pressures.

Wanted to share cuz somebody else was having misfire probs, mebbe this will

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq
87 5kcstqw

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