4KCSQ starting/running/power/etc problems

Jukka Majanen jiipm at sci.fi
Fri Dec 29 20:05:15 EST 2000

Hi Patrick

Late firing and no work down 1-3k usually mean lean mixture.
I think You have air leak between flow sensor and engine.
Means unmeasured air in the engine > not enough fuel.
Can be intake line, or some aux hose in the manifold.

Of course Your pump and filter are ok?


>Hello all,
>  Here's my problem...I recently bought a 4KCSQ and I'm having some serious
>running problems.  The car has a 6K mile old motor, so compression and
>whatnot isn't a problem.  It starts OK when cold, but it does take a bit
>cranking sometimes.  The worst problem is that once it's on, it has NO
>power below 2K rpm or so.  It just bogs from 1K to 2K, taking a good solid
>3-5 seconds just to rev the thing up to 2K RPM so I can get away from a
>stop light...I have city buses honking at me to speed up.  It's worse when
>cold, but hot is still a problem.  Above about 2K rpm, it's still
>slow...definately not what it should be.  The car is getting awful
>milage...about 20 MPG.  It backfires too.  When its hot, it won't always
>restart immediately and sometimes needs to cool off a bit.  I don't yet
>have a service manual for the car (I'm waiting for one to be shipped) and
>since I'm not entirely familiar with CIS-E, I don't really know what/where
>to look.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I tried disconnecting the
>cold start valve and that did nothing.  I suppose the car may just be tuned
>rich, since the Previous Owner was racing and not using the car on the
>street.  What order should I check things in? :)
>  One other question, while I'm here:  The car has a coilover suspension
>all around.  I'm getting a clunking over bumps from the left front, and
>when I push down on the front of the car, I hear this clunking, accompanied
>by visible movement between the top of the coilover and the strut tower
>itself.  Strut bearings, I assume?  What needs to be done to pull out the
>strut/coilover unit and put new bearings in on top?
>  We're getting a storm this saturday out here in Boston, and I want the
>car ready to kick some BMW ass once it starts snowing! ;) Got a few scores
>to settle with the E30 boyz.
> -Patrick Austin
> '86 4000CS Quattro rally monster
> **************
> Patrick Austin
> paanta at bu.edu
> (617)782-9115
> **************
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