Just how dumb can people be?

Rob Andrews randrews at austin.rr.com
Sat Nov 4 17:25:35 EST 2000

Yeah my old POS 5000 had those burst on me.  What a PITA they were too.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Ryan Hoitink
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 5:18 PM
To: Jim Haseltine; audifans
Subject: RE: Just how dumb can people be?

	Actually, at one point, about two years ago now, there was a flood in my
hometown.  Many people lost everything in their houses.  Some even lost
their whole house because of mudslides/etc.  Luckily, I live on top of a
huge hill, and was completely safe.  However, when the brunt of the flood
hit, I was at work, and, needless to say, I drove home in the pouring rain.
I ended up going through some pretty deep water.  At one point, I went
through water about halfway up the door.  All the warning lights in the dash
were going off and on(obviously being shorted), and I just hoped to make it
through quickly, and not get stuck!  When I got home, the carpets were only
lightly damp, but the engine barely ran for about 2 days.  I just left the
car in the garage with a couple box fans blowing through the interior and
the engine compartment, and everything ended up great.  Couldn't believe the
old '84 5k made it through.  BTW, I changed all fluids soon after, just to
be safe.

	On a completely different note, has anyone had trouble with the hoses to
the heat exchanger on the automatic transmission?  I know that this setup is
specific to the '84's.  Later models had the exchanger on the rear of the
trans, while the '84's had it on toward the front, easily accessable from
the engine bay.  There are two formed rubber hoses, each about 5 inches
long, and I had two break during my ownership.  Luckily one was only about
1/2 mile away from my house, but the other was about 90 miles away.  I just
bypassed the cooler until I could get to the nearest parts store, and used
heater hose as a temporary solution.  To tell you the truth, that's the only
problem I really ever had with that car.  Just curious if anyone else has
had experience with this.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Jim Haseltine
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 4:43 PM
To: audifans
Subject: Just how dumb can people be?

Last night was particularly uncomfortable, spent watching flood water work
its way gradually along the street towards my house (more importantly,
towards my garage which contains my 88 Ur-q in partially stripped state). As
luck had it, it stopped rising when approximately 6 inches below the
critical point.
Today has been more fun - the number of drivers who don't know what the word
'FLOOD' on a road warning sign means - are they just stupid or can't they
read? One guy in a Landcruiser made it all the way through to receive a
royal bollocking from the police (and a less polite reception from the
squaddies) - I bet that his carpets got wet too judging by the way that the
water was part way up the doors at the deepest point.

The level has dropped by a couple of inches so far, but we're due for more
rain over the next couple of days so I'm preparing to shift stuff up to the


Jim Haseltine

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