Turn Signals

Mitchell S. Haskins mhaskins1 at home.com
Tue Nov 7 18:28:40 EST 2000

Got this after I sent the message "Turn signals...AGAIN".  I have no
flashers either, to answer that question.  The relay on the far right has 5
prongs, but the one I received from the Volkswagon dealership has only 3
prongs.  I think they ordered me the wrong part, so I have to drop by again
tomorrow to let them take a look at it.

Mitchell S. Haskins
1988 Audi 90 Quattro

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Muirhead [mailto:dmr at kwic.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 9:13 PM
To: 'mhaskins1 at home.com'
Subject: Turn Signals

Saw your delima.  Relay for turn signal is on the far right on the panel.
 I forget what color it is, it's been a long time since I messed with a 90.
 It should say on the inside of the cover.

I assume you have no 4-way flasher either.  If you do, then chances are the
turn-signal arm on the stock is buggered or perhaps the connecting leads
have a fault.


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