exhaust pressurizing cooling system??????

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Fri Nov 10 11:05:11 EST 2000

> > (http://www.radiatorinfo.com/blown.html ), it describes my symptoms but
> > seems very far fetched.  I just don't see how the exhaust gasses could
> > penetrate the coolant jackets
> A headgasket begining to fail will put exhaust in the coolant system.  As
> others have mentioned I doubt this is the cause of your problems
> as it will
> usually cause it to overheat and boil over, but it can happen.

Yeah, my temps stay nice and cool so I'm not having any over heating
issues...  I might try some of that dye stuff just to be sure though.  Plus
that head is practically brand new so I find it hard to believe a head
gasket would have failed already.



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+Marc Swanson                          +
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+85 4ksq  "the spare"                  +
+87 5ktq   donor (Parting out)         +
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