Rain and floods...
Lawrence C Leung
l.leung at juno.com
Sun Nov 12 22:20:24 EST 2000
Global warming MAY have some effect on this, but in my previous post,
IMHO, global warming would mean more severe (energetic, though a month of
rain actually is pretty energetic since a lot of energy is needed to move
all of that water up there in the first place. Hmmmm) weather. The UK and
Europe are affected more by the North Atlantic Oscillation, something
that climatologists had just started the beginnings of study in depth
over only the last 5 years or so (when it was discovered) so it's
patterns aren't as well know as the El Nino/La Nina patterns. Don't know
what it's doing right now, but I believe you should find some info on
this in a search of a local national weather agency.
On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 14:04:28 -0800 (PST) =?iso-8859-1?q?mike?=
<mikemk40 at yahoo.com> writes:
>well.........our gov (god bless them) tell us it is
>all down to CO, global warming etc which is why we
>must pay over 4gbp ($6.50) for a gall of petrol
>--- MCTXR4 at aol.com wrote: > Here in the Washington, DC
>Area, we've had one day
>> of rain delivering about a
>> half-inch since September 26!!
>> Why is that day so significant? I spent the morning
>> of September 24 sitting
>> in the rain waiting for the US Grand Prix at
>> Indianapolis to start seemingly
>> never to end until the GP cars came out to do their
>> warm-ups. Then, Voila! It
>> stops raining.
>> The rain followed me home, and has since disappeared
>> from Washington.
>> Back in the old days, early '60's, we used to blame
>> weird weather patterns on
>> Nuclear Bomb tests in Nevada. What's the popular
>> weather myth now I wonder?
>> Audi S8's creating atmospheric turbulence? (minimal
>> Audi content) 8-)
>> Mike Torio
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