Starter removal 85 4kq

mike mikemk40 at
Tue Nov 14 13:21:31 EST 2000

wrap the universal joint in a few layers of tape to
stiffen it up


--- Thor Heglund <jmakrl at> wrote: > Howdy,
> I've been trying to get the starter out of my car
> today, got the easy nut off the front, but I can't
> seem to find the correct combination of tools to get
> the one on the back of the starter off.  I
> tried a normal socket, but there isn't enough room
> to get the head of the ratchet to fit.  I tried a
> deep socket, but it was too long.  I bought a 3/8"
> drive 19mm universal joint socket, it fit with
> the ratchet, but the handle was too short, I could
> only get a finger or two to push on it with all the
> exhaust stuff there and then the universal joint
> would flop over.  I will try and get a longer
> handled 3/8" ratchet or rig up an extension.... 
> What do the pros use?  My manuals don't have any
> detailed instructions (remove bolts).  Do I have to
> do something else first like remove the trans
> mount (found a reference to that in the archives)?
> Thanks
> Thor
> 85 4kq

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