HELP V8 Quattro (WTF< Welding WHAT?)

VWAudiPorscheNut at VWAudiPorscheNut at
Thu Nov 16 19:30:16 EST 2000

In a message dated 11/16/00 4:26:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Jim at writes:

 There are places in the UK that use a 'Re-Nu' method to repair fuel tanks. I
 believe that it consists of cutting out the damage, welding in a repair
 section then coating the interior. For rare or expensive tanks its an option
 worth looking at.
 Jim Haseltine

PLEASE DO NOT MIG WELD ON A USED GAS TANK!!!!!! I dont want to see any list 
members get decapped from a BAD explosion. My dad's best friend had his head 
entirely severed from MIG welding a tank, AND he was certified, in a shop, 
with the tank filled with Argon, it caught ANYWAY.... PLEASE be careful, a 
gas tank isnt worth dying over... My .02.


1977 924 (full tilt, 2029cc, elgin cam,msds header,two mikuni phh 44mm carbs, 
2100lbs,944 brakes, roll bar, 150HP....)
1988 Jetta GL (everyday Deutsch flog-hound)
1983 Ford Ranger 4x4 V6 (WHAT? a FORD!sorry VAG doesnt MAKE a truck....)

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