HELP V8 Quattro (WTF< Welding WHAT?)

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at
Fri Nov 17 09:34:01 EST 2000

We have welded tanks with our mig before, the biggest concern isn't the
explosion, it's if the tank will seal or not.

VWAudiPorscheNut at wrote:

> In a message dated 11/16/00 4:26:55 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> Jim at writes:
> <<
>  There are places in the UK that use a 'Re-Nu' method to repair fuel tanks. I
>  believe that it consists of cutting out the damage, welding in a repair
>  section then coating the interior. For rare or expensive tanks its an option
>  worth looking at.
>  Regards,
>  Jim Haseltine
>   >>
> PLEASE DO NOT MIG WELD ON A USED GAS TANK!!!!!! I dont want to see any list
> members get decapped from a BAD explosion. My dad's best friend had his head
> entirely severed from MIG welding a tank, AND he was certified, in a shop,
> with the tank filled with Argon, it caught ANYWAY.... PLEASE be careful, a
> gas tank isnt worth dying over... My .02.
> Jay
> 1977 924 (full tilt, 2029cc, elgin cam,msds header,two mikuni phh 44mm carbs,
> 2100lbs,944 brakes, roll bar, 150HP....)
> 1988 Jetta GL (everyday Deutsch flog-hound)
> 1983 Ford Ranger 4x4 V6 (WHAT? a FORD!sorry VAG doesnt MAKE a truck....)

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