S4 Question

AudiBiTurbo at aol.com AudiBiTurbo at aol.com
Fri Nov 17 22:39:52 EST 2000

Not true at all.  The speed limiter is incorporated into the ECU chip (and 
the ECU isn't under the driver's seat, anyhow).  An aftermarket chip can 
raise boost, remap fuel, remove the rev limiter (or set it higher) and remove 
the top speed governor.  On the track, S4s have hit 170 MPH, I'm told.  I've 
personally seen 155 in my 2000 S4.

Mark Rosenkrantz (VW/Audi/Porsche tuner and "daily driver" is a 2000 S4)
AudiBiTurbo at aol.com

From:    troyc at titan.communitech.net (Troy Corbin)
Sender:    quattro-admin at audifans.com
To:    quattro at audifans.com, a4 at audifans.com

A friend of mine says that on the US 2000 / 2001 S4 models, a jumper can
be modified under the driver seat to change the engine to EU spec and
remove the 145mph limitation. Is this true, and if so, does anyone have a


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