high pitch

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Nov 19 11:25:03 EST 2000

Dashboard squeal could be the fan on the interior temperature sensor 
assembly that's located beneath the little vent in the middle of the 
dash.  Most reports of the driveshaft bearing failure I've seen here 
involved vibrations as the principal symptom.  A coupla squirts of oil on 
the bearing might help answer the question.

At 10:22 AM 11/19/2000 -0500, William M. Lockwood-III wrote:

>My step-dad just bought two 5k's in VT.  One of them has an electrical(?)
>high pitched noise coming from the dash area, (programmer?).  When the car
>is turned off the noise fades.
>The other car has a squeal that is very loud coming from the middle of the
>car I think.  My thought was some drivehsaft bearing.  It is very lound to
>thirty and then goes away.  It has nothing to do with clutch engagement
>and nothing to do with throttle position.
>Any advice on these would be helpful,

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