200 WOT switch

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 19 19:26:19 EST 2000

--- Calvin Krug <ckrug at laf.cioe.com> wrote:
> Friday evening, I checked out the throttle switch on
> the intake 
> manifold, and sure enough, it has a bad connection. 
> That in itself 
> is no big problem, but when I tried to remove it,
> one of the mounting 
> screws broke off. 

So did mine.  Top screw broke off flush on both sides.
 Class 8.8- that's bad.

I think if I can remove the plate
> that it bolts 
> to, I can get the rest of this screw out of there,
> but I can't see 
> exctly how this plate is attached.  It has one allen
> head bolt near 
> the top, and another SLOTTED screw at the bottom,

That's it.  #3 straight slot, I believe.  A thin wave
washer is on the throttle shaft, between the switch
and the mounting plate.  BTW, the screw you broke is
an M4-.7 x 10mmm.  Lowes has them for $.58 for 2 in
socket head caps.  Class 12.9- that's real good.  Made
in Italy.

Jim Accordino

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