
Graham Thackrah ggthack at swansea.ac.uk
Mon Nov 20 12:57:02 EST 2000

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.freeserve.net wrote:

> b) Technology -> scarcity -> repair cost -> insurance premiums.  The
>    fact that A8s can only be repaired (in England) by a single complacent
>    and incompetent company (Wayside Motors, Milton Keynes) must of
>    necessity lessen their appeal.  This fact alone is enough to prevent
>    me from buying an A8, even if it were offered to me at GBP5k or less.
>    Were Audi to adopt aluminium technology in a mass-market product
>    and release body repair technology to other companies, this position
>    might change dramatically.

So things _may_ improve with the introduction A2 then (one of which I saw at
the University the other day:)? I can't imagine the buyers of A2's to want to
take their pride and joy all the way to Milton Keynes to get it fixed in the
likely event of an incident down the Kings Road. In fact I can image the
influential group of people likely to buy one are more than able to put
pressure on Audi to improve the situation.

for those who aren't familiar, Kings Road==posh bit of London where you're most
likely to see TT's new Beetles, diddy mercs et al, where the new A2 should
fit in nicely and where you're least likely to see smelly old 90 quattro's.

> As a consequence of the above I expect to see early A8s at GBP5k or
> below in 2001.  Audi UK have only themselves to blame.  A viable
> third-party A8 support programme would change the picture dramatically.

crikey, I may get a decent trade in on my tatty old 90q for one at that price;)



smelly old 1985 90 quattro

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