5k tq ABS xshooting

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Sun Nov 26 11:49:08 EST 2000

>Since the replacement of the struts the light has been coming on.  I thought
>replacing the CV joints in the front (well cleaning the teeth) would correct
>this.  It appears I prolly damaged one or both of the sensors when changing

Did you use new plastic caps on the sensors to get the right air gap? 
You simply put those little plastic thingies on the end of the 
sensor, push the sensor all the way in, tighten the sensor mounting 
bolt, and you're through.

If that doesn't do it, then looking at the sensor waveform with a 
scope could help you find a missing tooth, or low amplitude (compared 
to one of the rears, which is presumably working okay. The main cause 
of low amplitude is too large a sensor gap.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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