urq digital dashes and trunk leaks

Steve Marinello smarinello at newpark.com
Sun Nov 26 18:40:03 EST 2000

Another couple of queries about urq's to the list, this time regarding
digital dashes and trunk leaks.  This is in regard to my '85 grey market UK

My '85 has had a dead digital dash since I got it, but I believe it's the
green-lit unit as I saw it in the car two years earlier.  What is the
history/progression of the digital dash units and how interchangeable are
they?  Dave Lawson's write-up on the The Ultimate Ur-quattro Home Page
mentions a green digi dash being offered in '84 on the Euro "Series 2" and
an orange dash in '88 on the "Series 3".  It appears that there was  a red
digi dash offered on the European cars prior to that, as Ralf has one for
sale he pulled out of his car.  Is it a direct swap?

Does anyone else "across the pond", or over here, know of any other
available units out there?

As far as the trunk leaks, having sealed up the tail light assemblies, I
thought I had the problem cured.  However, the car was sitting through the
eight inches or so that we got the past week or so and when I popped the
trunk this afternoon I had three inches of water in each well.  The left
light seemed sealed, but there was water in the lowest level of the lense
itself.  The right lense seemed sealed and was completely dry.  The water
seems to have come in from above, as I had a plastic bag with some oil and
filters in the right well and the bag had standing water in it,
approximately the same level as the well itself, although it seemed to hold
water.  The filter boxes were soaked, despite the fact that they were
sitting on top of the oil.  No sign of water tracks on the dust of the fuel
tank when I pulled out the carpeting. In fact, no moisture, except some
condensation on the vertical face of the tank, in that area.  The vertical
carpet section was dry.  There appeared to have been some water in the deck
lid on the left side as some moisture was evident when that carpet was

Any ideas or BTDT's on this one?


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