check engine light, '88 5jkcstq (low on oil?), and type 44 comments

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at
Tue Nov 28 14:57:24 EST 2000

Not a whole lot of aftermarket stuff out there. But audifans & this list is 
the right place to be...I've had some luck w/replacement parts (shift boot, 
tail light lens, etc.) on ebay. Saved a lot of money. Usual ebay disclaimers 

Knock light, dunno. I'm no help.

Yes, type 44 stuff is really cool, especially if you're my mechanic saving 
for your kid's braces! ;)

Be careful w/the schrapnelknobben mod. You might first want to disconnect 
your johnson rod and install a kerbobble 720, thereby relieving the methane 
from the doohickey.

You might need to replace the plastic gearbox bushings. Also check your hyd. 
& brake fluid levels.

>From: auditude at
>Reply-To: auditude at
>To: quattro at
>Subject: check engine light, '88 5jkcstq (low on oil?), and type 44 
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 21:26:09 -0700
>Hi Folks,
>I noticed that my oil level was around a half to three quarters of a
>quart down, the day that I saw my check engine light come on a
>couple times.  After I topped it off, I haven't seen the light come on.
>Maybe that was it.  It's my understanding that the check engine
>light is only for the knock sensor, and knock sensor codes are not
>stored beyond turning the key off.  So, I guess unless I see the
>light come on again, the symptom is gone.
>What type of tools do I need to verify knock sensor torque?  The
>SJM website says a crow's foot socket is required.  What size?
>It seems like if the check engine light comes on with the key on,
>engine off, then the system is working correctly, unless the light
>comes on while driving.  And also, the only thing that would cause
>it to light up while driving is either knocking, other knock-type
>noises, or a defective knock sensor.  Is this right?  Whereabouts
>are knock sensors on the price scale, anyways?
>This Type 44 turbo stuff is pretty cool.  I'm a bit surprised at how
>much fun I'm having with the car stock.  I can't wait to see and feel
>1.8 bar (which will probably show as 1.7 on my car, since it's 0.9
>bar with the key on and engine off, and I only see 1.3 max).  I need
>to get a bypass valve in there, strap the intercooler, and get an
>aftermarket boost gauge.  Is there anything else, besides a
>potential wastegate or schrapnelknobben mod?
>Is anyone selling any aftermarket/performance parts for my car?
>How about a leather shift boot that is in good condition?
>By the way, I can still feel the gears catching slightly when I shift.
>I'm thinking this is not right.  I guess I'll check the engine/tranny
>alignment via the mounts, but is there anything else to look for?
>Low fluid, out of adjustment, or worn parts?  I can deliberately
>make it not catch the gears, but it's not natural or preferred.
>'88 5kcstq
>'85 4ksq
>'94 SL2

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