l5 running hot

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Nov 30 08:36:46 EST 2000

Did you try measuring the temperature of the coolant?  Your gauge could be 
a bit off.

At 03:30 AM 11/30/2000 -0500, AztecMistic at aol.com wrote:

>Hello all. I have fallen into this everlasting love and admiration for Audi
>cars. This is my second Audi. My problem is the following: car (1990 90 non
>quattro) running hot (past the middle area) replaced the stat with no
>results. Replaced radiator cap. Radiator and coolant are fine, did notice
>that the fan operation begins later than it used to and fan only remains on
>very briefly. My next suspect is CTS that controls fan operation I believe
>its the one at the bottom corner of the radiator.  What do you think? Engine
>has 220k m. Thanks in advance for your HELP..

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