pulling the rad on type $$

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Mon Oct 2 12:47:54 EDT 2000

I don't really understand the difference between plastic and metal. The 
only 'plastic' I could see is the overflow tube on top. I thought the rad. 
was aluminum. What is the metal one made out of. Is the only difference in 
the overflow tube, so it doesn't snap off? Or is it a different 
material...ie. brass? thanks.


At 03:31 AM 10/2/00, you wrote:

> > If you can get the Modine for a good price, fine. Any factory radiator
> > lasts 13 years with little or no maintenance is fine in my book - do you
> > really expect to have the car another 10 years?
>... IME the Modines are available for around the same price as the
>discounted dealer price.  When I got the replacement for the 4kSQ from
>Carlsen it was an all metal rad made in the Netherlands.  I'm sorry, but I
>don't happen to agree here on replacing with plastic at all, but if it is
>cool for you, go ahead!  The thought that an overtightened radiator hose
>might lead to a warped head is enough to make up my mind ...
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)
>... with experience on just about all of my Audis with an unexpected
>catastrophic failure of a plastic rad tank, heater hose or pump without
>warning in almost every case ... I've learnt my lesson!
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