How do you know when to change timing belt?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Oct 5 21:14:56 EDT 2000

You might ask a dealer to check the car's records using the VIN to see if a 
dealer recorded the timing belt replacement.  If no information is 
available, I'd just change it, the water pump and the belt idler to be sure.

At 05:11 PM 10/05/2000 -0400, Martin W. N. Suryadarma wrote:

>Hi all,
>I bought my 89 Audi 100 last year. It had 98k miles then, it has 108k
>now. How do I know when to change the timing belt? Or whether it has been
>changed or not? The previous owner only had it for 1 month because his
>wife hated it, and he didn't get any service records from whoever he
>bought it from. I just want to make sure so that the car doesn't die on
>me. Thanks. I love the car, BTW.

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