Naw, he didn't pay too much.

Rave Racer 2000 Ravewar at
Fri Oct 6 05:27:57 EDT 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Arman <armanmik at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 10:20 AM
Subject: Naw, he didn't pay too much.

> Watching the simmering flame war about the guy in Canada who bought a 4K
> for $1,800 and was told he got taken . . .
> If the car was decent, he did OK.

        I bought my 87 4ksQuattro for $2700 Canadian.  My car had been
babied all it's life and it was exactly what I was looking for.  I had been
searching for a quattro with a five speed in the sedan with all the power
options for about 6 months through the Toronto-London-Niagara triangle.
Within the last 6 months of owning the vehicle I have had to pay almost $2g
on the strangest stuff.  ie The clutch slave cylinder split in half lodging
the lower half in the tranny and dumping the fluid all over the clutch.
(Unnecesary clutch job).  The fact is that the car is almost 15 years old,
and stuff like this should be expected no matter how good the condition of
the vehicle.  I don't think I paid to much just to get the quattro in the
drivetrain and bodystyle I wanted eventhough I will be spending another $2G
before winter.  I just have to keep in mind that the car will be expensive
to maintain, and I should get that heater fixed before it really starts to
get cold!
                                          RR  (in the bermuda triangle of

89 16v Jetta (Frankenstein)
87 4k S (Quattro of course)

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