Fw: Stage III Pinging

Rob Andrews randrews at austin.rr.com
Thu Oct 12 20:27:15 EDT 2000

Helping a friend out here....anyone care to comment on the below....

Rob Andrews - Dell Home Sales Division
1800-879-3355 ext 47218 Rob_Andrews at Dell.com
randrews at austin.rr.com  ICQ # 4385114
99 A4 2.8QS... http://home.austin.rr.com/robsquattro
----- Original Message ----- 

Nick was able to duplicate my
> pinging sounds in their car.  He watched the VWTool and
> saw no timing retardation from the knock sensors.  He
> believes the sound isn't actually detonation but some
> other vibration going on.
> What do you make of that?  Can you get pinging so mild
> that the knock sensor doesn't hear it?  Is such mild
> detonation harmful to the motor?

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