MC camshaft profile specs

Ameer Antar ameer at
Fri Oct 13 14:40:22 EDT 2000

thanks much stephen...

one more question for everyone:

the KH is:
valve timing at 1mm valve and 0mm clearance
Intake opens before TDC   1.5 degrees
Intake closes after BTC    38.7
Exhaust opens before BDC  41.5
Exhaust closes before TDC  1.3

>MC is:
>Valve timing at 1mm valve and 0mm clearance
>Intake opens before TDC   0 degrees
>Intake closes after BTC    41
>Exhaust opens before BDC  40
>Exhaust closes before TDC  1

the intake seems longer on the MC, but is it true the ehaust on the MC has 
a shorter duration than the KH? If you just subtract the closed value from 
the open value it looks that way. Am I doing something wrong? Why would 
they make a shorter duration on the exhaust, yet longer intake? How would 
it affect my KH engine? Would it kill my torque? Thanks in advance for any 


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