All the uns*bscribe requests

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Oct 15 11:40:36 EDT 2000

I'm not certain there was an "official" decision.  I just recall it being a 
suggestion, so I figured that when the reminders disappeared, it was 
because of the discussion.  We were getting some message responses that 
included multiple copies of the messages.

At 10:20 AM 10/15/2000 -0400, Steve Jensen wrote:

> > I think there was a general thought that repeating that instruction with
> > EACH message was becoming a significant waste of bandwidth.  Since each
> > subscriber gets a message of instructions regarding how to use the
> > I think the suggestion was that an occasional (like monthly) reminder
> > be more appropriate.  We got the same sorts of folks demanding the same
> > removal when every message included the reminder.
>I see.  I am pretty good about reading Brett's admin posts to the list, I
>just didn't remember seeing anything regarding a decision being made and
>thought something had sneezed or hiccupped.
>Thanks for setting the record straight.

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