You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different

Rob Andrews randrews at
Tue Oct 17 17:55:38 EDT 2000

You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all differentThis game was Zork...who's sig it was I do not know.
Rob Andrews - Dell Home Sales Division
1800-879-3355 ext 47218 Rob_Andrews at
randrews at  ICQ # 4385114
99 A4 2.8QS...
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peter McConnel 
  To: Audi Quattro List 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 8:51 AM
  Subject: You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different

  it was the '70s and i played a dungeon game on a Digital PDP 8(later on a
  PDP 11). the game interface was verbal only. sentences describing where you
  were and what was happening came up as you navigated the maze. left right up
  down forward and backward were the directional possibilities, and you would
  be prompted to pick up an item, or kill a dwarf, etc. i really don't remember
  much but the email signature on your Q list email: "You are in a maze of
  little twisting passages, all different" was the first prompt at the
  beginning of the game...
  i would be very interested in jogging my memory further on this. Who's email signature is this?


  Audi content: I am an AUDIo engineer

  Peter McConnel
  '87 5kcstq 193k 
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