Radiator fan resistor unit

David Head dave.head at worldnet.att.net
Wed Oct 18 01:04:57 EDT 2000

The 'front' is low, middle is medium and back end is to fan/high. Each relay
enables/bypasses that section as it picks up. So when low is enabled, current flow
goes through the entire resistor. When medium is enabled, current follows the least
resistance and passes middle to end. When high is enabled, the resistor is
bypassed, effectively. All three relays are still enabled, there is just a miniscle
current flow through the resistor.

Ryan Hoitink wrote:

>         While replacing the lower engine cover this weekend, I noticed that the
> resistor pack for the radiator fan residing in the driver's fender.  I found
> it odd that several wires were connected to one contact, one was connected
> to another contact, and no wires were connected to another contact.  My
> question is, are all the resistors supposed to have wires going to them, or
> is there just an extra?  This pack seems to be pretty universal among
> 5000/100/v8 models, so there's a possibility that one's unused, but it just
> seemed odd to me.  Subject car is '92 100cs.
> -Ryan

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