Various responses

Unka Bart gatorojo at
Sun Oct 22 08:01:03 EDT 2000

First, my deepest condolences to the family of Mike Lishego. I didn't know
him, but we are all diminished by the passing of any one of us

Next, to our brother, Robert Smith, my sincere condolences from one who is
going through the same process, even as we speak.  Is your 911 a cabrio?
There are a couple of folks on this list who are looking for 911s.  Perhaps
they will respond to you, off list (at rdsmith3 at  I have
bcc'd them on this message.  You didn't say where you are, so; where are

As to the A6, you might as well consider a V8Q, the wife I am divorcing has
a very nice pearl V8q5 that has been very well maintained, has (most)
records, and she is probably amenable to a reasonable offer.  I know, I had
to choose between my beloved '86 911 cabrio, or my equally beloved lovely
Pearl V8q5, and it was not as easy a choice as one might think.  Contact me
off list, if you are interested and I'll give you her phone number and call
her first for you.  Believe it or not, she wants a plymouth Pronto, or
whatever it's called (if she hasn't already sold/traded it - I left in
January and haven't discussed it with her since, but I am returning next
week to retrieve the last of my belongings).

You need to know that all Audis are maintenance intensive, in my
experience, a *lot* more so than a 911.  If you need "cheap to maintain,"
get a Camry.  If you're up to the Audi maintenance requirements, why not
get a V8?  They are *the* most "bang/buck" available, much like 928s in the
porker world, and for much the same reason.

Now Ramps.  I just built a set for my PD4106, formerly a grayhound bus and
now the land-yacht "Gatorojo."  I got 10 each (treated) 2x10s, 8' long and
cut them in half.  3 of them actually get cut in half again, giving 14
pieces, each 4' long (which are the main ramp pieces); and 12 pieces, each
2' long (which are spacers).  I have 7 long pieces and 6 pairs of spacers
for each side of the vehicle (each ramp)

Of course, not many Audi's have 11x22.5 inch wheels, or have to deal with
duals, so not many are going to need ramps 20" wide... so you might get by
with half of what I need.  But I digress...

Get a box of "Grabber" premium quality coarse thread, 8x3" interior yellow
zinc screws and a good drill/driver (I use a Black & Decker 18v portable
drill with a phillips bit).

Cut the 4' ramp pieces by measuring 1" up from the bottom edge and drawing
a line to the mid-point on the top, then cut along that line.  That'll give
you a 2' long, flat weight bearing surface and a 2' ramp up to it.  Place 1
full 2' spacer, flush with the uncut (flat portion) end of the ramp piece
and screw it to the ramp piece with the screws.  You don't need to drill
pilot holes, just drive the suckers straight in, about 4 screws will be
enough.  Cut the other 2' spacer down in half again, lay it along the ramp
with about a 6" gap from the long spacer, mark the slope to match the ramp,
cut it and screw it to the ramp end.  Repeat this as many times as you need
to get the width you want.  These suckers are *sturdy*, and they will give
you 10" of clearance, and will last forever and are *indestructible*.  My
20-inchers hold a 27,000 lb bus, and mine, including two boxes of screws
and a sheet of 3/4 plywood cut in half to put under the ramps, cost less
than $100, including FL sales tax (over 7%), to make.  What's your life,
not to mention, your peace of mind, worth to you?

Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart

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