It was wires!..was New Q in the stable

Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN) BSWANN at
Mon Oct 30 10:16:47 EST 2000

Well this was one or those 20/20 hindsight fixes.

I thought I had two bad injectors, since when I pulled the #'s 4&5 plug
wires, the RPM did not drop as it did on the other cylinders. I assumed the
wires were good because of the vociferous spark observed eminating from the
end of the wires, and the fact that they appeared to be new.

So after removing the half manifold and checking the spray pattern of all
injectors, I discovered the 4 and 5 injectors sprayed actually better than
the 2 and 3 cylinders, which I replaced.  I  would have passed them too had
I not just brought two injectors.  After reassembly, the car wouldn't start
and drew the battery down.

Removed the plugs they were wet.  Replaced them all with the new Platinum+4
destined for the 2.3l rebuild for project GTQ.  Charged the battery and was
able to get it started the next day.  Well it ran better, but still like
$#!+ as the problem was not resolved.

Got out my multimeter, now on the fritz, and could not do an accurate plug
wire test.  So I grabbed the complete wire assembly destined for Project GTQ
with a new cap and rotor.  I couldn't get the number one wire to go on the
plug as the little clip inside was buggered.'s the kicker - I
removed the end from number 1 of the wires in question.  whoever installed
these wires(I know who - and it is one of the expensive shops around
'Naptown) did not assemble this properly.  There was no crimped on connector
to properly grap the boot pin.  NFW I was seeing some fireworks.  

I put the connector on the number one wire.  The engine fired immediately
and ran smooth as silk.  

After doing this work, I am more convinced than ever that it pays to
maintain your own car.  The whole brand new set of BOSCH wires was installed
by just putting the end on without crimping  connectors on and inserting so
bare wire was (just barely) touching the boot pin - not a positive contact,
for sure.

Anyway, now he 100 Q engine runs great, but power compared to the 5Kturbo,
and even the 4K NA2.2 is lousy.  This car definately needs a CAM I'll
probably use the one for the GTQ engine and get another cut.  Yeah it seems
like I'm cannibalizing project GTQ befroe I even get into it.

I also got a nice new multi-meter as I've wasted too much time with the old
one's flakiness.

Well that's for this weekends saga.  I guess the moral of the story is don't
assume your wires are good even if they are brand new.  And you can't rely
on a chep multi-meter.  And...


Ben Swann
'85 4000 CS Quattro - "Project GTQ" - 87.5 GT COUPE 2.3  engine recipient  -
maybe by spring - maybe never.
'87 5000 CS Turbo Quattro Wagon - due for a chip.
'89 100 Quattro - underpowered.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Swann, Benjamin R.  (BSWANN) 
> Sent:	Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:34 AM
> To:	'quattro at'
> Subject:	New Q in the stable
> Move over project GTQ, you get put on the back burner for now.  Say hello
> to a 1989 100 Q - not turbocharged, but a nice car with adequate power
> 2.3l engine.  Picking up this evening.
> Car has a little under 200K mi , but  compression test was good. 
> It needs:
> 	BOMB - anyone have a good one?
> 	Right Front Headlight - obtaining from lister
> 	Rear Tail Light - getting off 4000 parts car (talk about
> interchangeability) - oops I may still need this as it is a different
> style.
> 	2 fuel injectors(car running like $#!+ - pulled plug wires and #'s
> 4&5 cyl spark great, but no drop in RPM).
> 	Left Front Control arm(ball joint boot is ripped).  A lister advised
> I can just replace the boot and clip.
> 	Timing belt, water pump (maybe I'll do lifters and cam while I'm at
> it). 
		I'll need another solid lifter cam with 17 tooth distributor
gear if anyone has one.

> Otherwise, the car is in great shape, no accidents, maroon paint need
> compounding.  Black leather Interior is in fabulous shape, discounting the
> headliner on the sunroof.

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