Wheel bearings...

Gerard gerard at poboxes.com
Mon Oct 30 10:25:46 EST 2000

Thanks all for the information. I read the other wheel bearing thread
currently going on the list. Noticed that it is indicated no grease
should be used. I have grease or something all over my bearings.

I reckon the one bearing is showing about 1mm of back and forth
movement. I can understand that the inner race's halfs will be pushed
together then tightening up to that huge axle nut torque and thereby
eliminating some play, but 1mm...?

I don't think this guy re-used any lock rings or circlips. And the axle
nuts weren't returned.

The strut housing is the one with the retaining shoulder at the back of
the bearing housing. But when I looked at the bearing, and I forgot to
mention this in the previous posting, the suspect bearing does not touch
the shoulder but stands clear of it by 1mm or 1.5mm. From what I
understand, the bearing must be all the way in. The other strut seems
fine with minimal play.

Don't know if this is proper, but won't 1mm offset in the bearing mean
alot of unaligned suspension stuff? What about the CV joint clearing the
housing when the axle is pulled all the way through?

I'm going to call now and bitch about the improper fit (gap between
bearing and shoulder) and ask his installation procedure.

As for waiting time for parts like this; yes it can take 2 months to get
these things from Germany but then it costs $25 per bearing instead of
$100 per bearing from Audi (as is the current price for front wheel
bearings for the Audi 200 which does not have the same bearing as the
more comment non-turbo'd cars). The Audi price indicates the part is
available aftermarket in the country and I went through all the phone
calls many months ago, but speaking to the SKF distributor indicates no
stock kept here. I love this country. (!??!?!) :(


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