why you don't go to the quick-lube place

Justin Wamboldt jwamboldt at moseleycorp.com
Mon Oct 30 10:30:11 EST 2000

I took my 96 A4 to a Speedy a week or so ago, and since then, the stick
vibrates a lot in 2nd, anyone have an idea as to what they could have done
to cause this?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net]
> Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 11:23 AM
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: why you don't go to the quick-lube place
> Cartalk this morning...a woman has a '98 subaru.  All of the sudden, 
> on a back road, it starts accelerating.
> Her first thought: "Wow, this car accelerates well!" :-)
> So, it hits some absurd speeds, she really starts to freak out, 
> brakes the car down to a slow speed, then shuts it off and coasts in 
> neutral.  TUrns it back on, RPMs jump up high again, so she has it 
> towed to the dealer.
> Less than a few weeks before, the car had been serviced(oil  change) 
> at a quick-lube type place.  They were "the last people in the engine 
> compartment."
> By now, you're thinking, "how could a oil change place screw up the 
> throttle?  Bump a cable or something?"
> So what did the dealership find, but one Hostess Apple Pie, "the kind 
> that comes in the green and red paper bag."  The filling leaked out 
> over time, coated various parts of the throttle&cable, and of course, 
> we all know how sticky apple -anything- can be.
> Quick-lube place's response: "we're not responsible because there is 
> -no- way that something like that would happen."
> response from one of the cartalk guys: "Well, DUUUUUH, it did!"
> Ahh, I have yet another quick-lube-place story :-)
> Moral of the story?  Don't take your car(Audi or not) to a quick-lube 
> place. The only reason it is "cheaper" than a case of mobil one and 
> an Audi filter is that the quick lube places use cheap oil and cheap 
> filters.  Ask for synthetic and watch the price skyrocket.
> B
> -- 
> ----
> Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
> ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
> (formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
> 120 Bloomingdale Rd.			
White Plains, NY 10605
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