90 V8Q New owner

Grant Lenahan gfl at erols.com
Fri Sep 1 08:28:59 EDT 2000

>1) My transmission (auto) doesn't shift with a silkiness that one would
>expect from a car that is otherwise so refined. No major clunking or
>abruptness...just a little jerky.

Normal.  BUT, Audi auto boxes - until very recently (5-sp tip) were 
not that great.  Also not that durable.  Change the fluid (synthetic 
preferred) frequently.

>2) There's a hole in the muffler

Dear Liza (oops)

>  - and I've been told that the V8 has a one
>piece exhaust system. Can the hole be patched? If I have to replace the
>whole system, should I consider one of the performance enhancing [low
>restriction]systems? Any specific recommendations as to a brand or cost?

Check onthe web for some of the stainless after-marketers - one from 
Canada looked good when I almost repalced mine on my 91 90q20v. 
Stebro maybe?

>4) How do I know if I have "UFO" brakes? If I do, should I do anything about

They are inboard, not in the wheel.  Not if they work.

>5) The aftermarket chip replacements sound like a nifty upgrade - 10% HP for
>a couple of Ben Franklins. Would any of you advise such a thing?

Did you say nifty or Iffy?

Grant Lenahan
gfl at erols.com (home)
glenahan at telcordia.com (office)  NEW!
gfl at alum.MIT.edu (MIT)
(973) 377-4458 voice
(973) 377-3661 fax
(973) 301-0685 Sonogy Lab

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