98 A6 windsheild washer reservoir leak

Mark Swisher m_swisher at uswest.net
Wed Sep 6 14:26:19 EDT 2000

Hello All,

I'm hoping you guys can help with what should be a simple fix. After the 
warning light for the windshield washer on my 98 A6 came on, I'm filling 
it up and think wow, this is a really big tank. Then I saw the fluid 
flowing on the ground. The reservoir has obviously popped a hose but I'll 
be damned if I can see anything much less get to it. It looks like to get 
any access I'll need to demount the PS reservoir. Anybody BTDT? I'm not 
very mechanically inclined and don't want to mess anything up. On the 
other hand there's a 4-week wait to get in at the dealer.


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