Diesel, bleeding a

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Thu Sep 7 01:47:19 EDT 2000

If your diesel has a Bosch system, then it is the same as a Rabbit or GOlf. It
is not necessary to bleed these systems, you just crank or tow the vehicle
until it starts. You can of course try to prime the system, but bleeding is
unnecessary on the Bosch system.

If your car has the CAV system, then there's another case. Let me know, and
I'll look it up in the Golf A1 Haynes manual.

Btw, why dont you join one of the diesel lists? audi-vw-diesels at egroups.com is
a nice list with quiet traffic. 10-20 posts a day when discussion is heated, it
is nothing compared to quattro at audifans :-)

92 100 2,8q Avant

Grant Bessom wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to bleed the air out of my 1982 Diesel's fuel injection system.  Can
> anyone enlightem me as to the method that I should use?
> To no avail, I have tried: loosening each injector line and hose, allowing
> fuel to come out.
> thanks
> Grant
> 86 5ktqcs
> 82 4ksd
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