ETKA on Mac

Phil Rose pjrose at
Mon Sep 11 00:51:58 EDT 2000

These geeks seem to be speaking Greek (not that there's anything wrong with

I've been running ETKA (we've dispensed with the "code" names, have we?) on
two G3 Macs using Virtual PC95 (v 2.1) for over a year, and IMO it's
misleading to characterize such a setup as "work like crap" and "slow as
molasses". Maybe the VPC emulator can be painfully slow with certain
_other_ Windoze programs, but I find that taking a *total* of 25 seconds to
boot up ETKA and display a diagram for a specific model and group is
_plenty_ fast enough. Browsing (paging) through the Family Album goes at
about one second per diagram.


>Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 14:45:28 -0400
>To: coolian <coolian at>, Quattro list <quattro at>
>From: Grant Lenahan <gfl at>
>Subject: Re: ETKA on Mac
>>I thought a general discussion was better for the people who dont' know the
>>difference between an emulator and a "program that maps APIs"..Wasn't looking
>>to geek-out here, obvjously, I'm the only one.
>I sense confusion again.  My points are important to those who dont
>know/care technically, because:
>1.  they need more than linux/wine and no one told them that
>2.  you insinuated that it would run well on wine/linux, and on any
>emulator (which they need) it wont - just like you state below
>So, sorry about any geekiness, but the fact remains that people could
>be misled.
>It'll work like crap on a mac, and you need a fairly expensive
>($50-$150 + windows + 500MB hard disk used up + ..... )emulator to
>run it on a mac.
>>>  To run it on a mac, get the actual, slow-as-molasis emulator, virtualPC.
>>I swear, it's like peeing on a hydrant sometimes....

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at       *


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