mann filters...

Megasus at Megasus at
Tue Sep 12 13:18:36 EDT 2000

Recently I purchased a case of MANN oil filters for my 86 4csq. I also have 
an 1989 Jetta GL that I use as my work car (pizza delivery). When I used to 
use Fram (dear God) filters, the same filter was used by both my Quattro and 
my Jetta. However, I cannot get a straight answer from any of the dealers 
here or the foreign car parts specialists either. I called the local dealer 
and asked about Mann filters and the guy was like "Uh, well I don't know 
about Mann filters specifically." SO I asked if I walked in and he was going 
to sell me a filter, would they be the same for both cars or not? He said 
they would. But I thought Mann filters were the OEM on both cars, shouldn't 
the DEALER be selling OEM (i.e. Mann) filters to me? Anyways, enough of the 
drivel, I just need to know if the Mann filter an 89 Jetta GL takes is the 
same filter as an 86 4000csq. Thanks.


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