tranny for 200q20v

Steve Eiche seiche at
Wed Sep 13 17:34:27 EDT 2000

Chris Covington wrote: 
>  Is this something that can be installed in CQs with their weak stock
>  trannies?  It should be.
Chris Miller wrote: 

> I've been approached by someone with new ADZ trannies in Germany (5-speed manual, as fitted to the 1991
> My tranny is fine; any interest from others?  They'd be about $1000 including shipping from germany.
> Let me know if interested; I'll post the info on my web site later this week.

Dave Freed wrote: 
>  Are these the same as the 5 speeds in a '92 - '94 S4?  These are prone to
>  failures.

As someone with a fair amount of knowledge of these transmissions and
the ones being sold in Germany specifically, I thought I should answer
these questions. My ADZ transmission should be arriving from Germany
Friday or early next week.  I will give a report to the list on the
transaction when I receive it.  So far, it has been a breeze.

The ADZ transmission is an 016 type with TOR$EN center diff. and 4:11
final drive.  It was specific to the '91 200q20V.  An ADZ is NOT a bolt
in to the O1A '90-'91 CQ or the 01E S4s.  The 01As and 01Es both have
different mounts, shifter mechanisms, axles and lengths.  Fitting an ADZ
in a CQ or S4/S6 would be somewhere between difficult and impossible.  

The '91 200q20Vs also had some history of failing transmissions (as I
can attest) so getting one of these is not a bad idea if you have a '91
200q20V with transmission problems. If you are looking to get an ADZ
rebuilt (or any 016 for that matter), the going rates seems to be ~$500+
parts, and parts are not cheap.  BTDT. FYI, these are NLA from Audi in
new or rebuilt condition (AFAIK). Rumor has it that about six months ago
a local (Denver) dealer bought what was purported to be the last new ADZ
from the factory for ~$4500.  It would seem that Audi obsoleted these
transmissions and discarded the remaining depot stock (to our advantage

Steve Eiche
Arvada, CO
'91 200q (noisy input shaft bearings)
'82 Not So Ur q 20Vt (with new AUM 3:89 TOR$EN - also a factory

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