Subject: What a shame

C1J1Miller at C1J1Miller at
Fri Sep 15 12:36:53 EDT 2000

Andrew Duane writes:
<For the last 2-3 years, I've caught occasional
<glimpses of a beautiful pearl white '91 V8Q in the
<Nashua area. I've always wondered about the car, who
<owns it, how they like it.

<Today, I saw the car pulled up next to me at a light.
<I glanced over.... and found an elderly lady hunched
<over the wheel, barely able to control the car and
<keep it in it's assigned lane :-(

<Unfortunately, the light turned green before I could
<offer a business card "in case" she ever wanted to

Andrew:  There's several V8qs here in Windham (5 miles east of Nashua), including my neighbor, diagonally across the street, who has a beautiful pearl V8q.  My wife is constantly mixing it up with my pearl '91 200q20v... the V8 is a '90, I think, as it has the pearl wheels as well.
chris miller, windham nh, c1j1miller at

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