Xenon headlights (Safety by Eurolights)

David Ritter dritter at iceware.com
Fri Sep 15 19:09:21 EDT 2000

Ameer Antar writes:

 > Also, don't other motorist [oncoming traffic] have any say in this? Don't 
 > you think if you can see all 5 lanes that it will be very distracting on 
 > some windy road in the countryside? With everyone installing illegal 
 > lights, pretty soon they'll start checking this at inspection or maybe 
 > they'll even pull you over for this.

The euro lights, when aimed properly, are less blinding to oncoming
traffic than the DOT approved ones. When I had DOT lights (unsafe) on
my 200Q plenty of folks flashed me, with stock watt bulbs. Upgraded to 
euros, nobody flashes me, and I can see three times as far. Still
stock watt bulbs.
It is a matter of the light being correctly aimed by the euro lenses
with a defined cutoff. The DOT lights sent more light to oncoming
drivers eyes, and less to where it should be.
The euros look like most of the new car DOT lights these days. It
would take a close inspection, by someone who knew what they were
looking for, to determine our criminality.

All we have done is, update our cars to modern standards, by a
non-approved technique. We are now much safer as a result. We have
sacrificed legality for the safety of our families.


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