stuck diff locks!

Paul Heneghan paul at
Sun Sep 17 04:04:18 EDT 2000

From: "Marc Swanson" <marcswanson at>
Subject: stuck diff locks!
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 22:36:33 -0400

>I replaced a bunch of instrument cluster lights and I wanted to test out
>diff locks on my 4ktq and sure enough they came on fine (first time I've
>tried them since the engine swap).  Now, when I went to turn them off,
>a short distance the front locker disengaged but the indicator light for
>rear one won't go out!  It's been like that for about 20 miles or so... How
>can I manually disengage the lock?  Places to look for this kind of a

Do you get tyre judder when you go around corners?  That's a sure indication
of a locked diff.  Lots of judder = locked rear diff.  Medium amount of
judder = locked centre diff.

In my experience, it's usually the centre diff that sticks on as the vacuum
mech for that diff is on the rear diff and the actuating cable to the centre
diff tends to bind.  Have your vacuum connections got swapped around?

Check that you can mechanically move the lever on the diff.  If that's free
to move, then suspect a vacuum problem.  I noticed that my 80q doesn't like
unlocking under load.  This loading can happen because of collapsed diff
mounts, acceleration (I'm not sure whether this is due to loading or because
you get less vacuum), or because your tyres have slightly different

Jack all four wheels up and try it then.


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