Big red bus

Paul Heneghan paul at
Sun Sep 17 04:29:58 EDT 2000

From: < at>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 18:47:20+0000

>I couldn't shift the CV joint out of the circlip,
>so I sent it to our friendly local light engineering outfit, Rugby Motor
>Engineering Services.  They returned it with the circlip broken, the CV
>joint removed from the driveshaft, and the inner ball retainer
>shattered.  If you want a job done properly, do it yourself.

BTDT.  Having successfully removed about 20 VW/Audi CV joints over the last
15 years or so, last year I had one that just wouldn't come off.  So I put
my 10-ton press to work (more for the control than for the force), prised
open the circlip and started applying force.  The circlip didn't break, but
it shattered a small part of the inner ball retainer.  The joint was quite
worn anyway, so I didn't cry too much!  As it was, I had a spare I'd kept
from the last car when I dismantled it.


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