1989 Audi 100 Headlight problem - Update #1

Martin Suryadarma msuryadarma at wesleyan.edu
Sun Sep 17 14:02:29 EDT 2000

To Mike, Michael Murphy, Ryan Gemmill, and everyone else.

In deseperation, I went to sjmautotechnick, specifically here:

I read that he had a burnt terminal. So I went to look again in my car, and 
yes, I have a burnt terminal, and the plastic surrounding it is kinda 
melted. That is the reason my lowbeam is dead.

One question though, the terminal is that little cylindrical metal thing 
that wraps the cable and that goes into the plastic connector right?

So I went to Pepboys and Home Depot, but they didn't have any of those. 
Btw, why is a burnt terminal bad? I mean, it's still metal right? And isn't 
that what's important so that it carries electical current? I'm just curious.

Now I guess I have to contact an Audi dealer to be able to get a new 
terminal. Is there a part number for it by any chance?

Also, since my new switch did not improve the situation, is it safe to 
assume that my old switch is working fine?

Thanks a lot!!


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