A/C weirdness

Steve Jensen sjensen at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 18 00:13:32 EDT 2000

> Problem is, this dealer is still doing all the A/C work for free.  I
> hate to pay money for it!


Yes, but to use medical terminology: you wouldn't want a podiatrist doing
brain surgery.  How many of their shop guys do nothing but A/C?  And how
much time have you wasted taking it back, and taking it back, and taking it
back.....? You've got more patience than I do if it really can't be figured
out in 7 years.

You could just have a conniption fit/mental breakdown in front of the
service manager and say "Would you please just send it down the street to
the auto air conditioning place across from the Acura dealer so they can
diagnose it CORRECTLY?!?"

Or you could take it down the street yourself, and have it diagnosed for
about $50.00, then bring it back to Jim  Ellis Audi for repair.  Good luck.

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq
87 5kcstqw

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