5k hydraulic hose woes - UK perspective
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Sep 18 14:42:36 EDT 2000
Is the BOLT size different in the two racks, Paul? If not, I would think
you could use EITHER type of seal (O-ring or crush washer). If you have
different banjo bolt sizes, then you need the newer hose with the
O-rings. Unless, of course, the pump end of the newer hose won't fit your
older pump. I wouldn't expect this to be the case, but if it is, you're in
need of a custom hose shop, I guess.
At 06:15 PM 09/18/2000 +0100, Paul Heneghan wrote:
>From: Mike Arman <armanmik at n-jcenter.com>
> >New crush washers, obviously. . . .
>I'm in the middle of an interesting power-steering problem at the moment. I
>have a UK spec 1989 Avant (5k Wagon to US readers) which has a leaking rack.
>When the leak turned into a gush, I decided it was time for a recon rack. I
>vaguely remember years ago somebody saying that the racks changed slightly
>in the late 80s and that they moved from copper crush washers to banjo
>connections with inset o-rings. However, when I ordered the rack, the
>suppliers assured me that there was only one rack used between 83 and 90
>(444 422 065F).
>Taking the old rack out was very difficult. Bentley was useless. Haynes
>slightly better. There was no way I could undo the hydraulic connections as
>they were very close to the bulkhead and there were loads of brake lines in
>the way. In the end, I undid all the nuts and bolts, left the return hose
>attached (having disconnected it at the reservoir end) and pulled the rack a
>few cm away from the bulkhead. This gave enough space to get at and loosen
>the supply hose from the pump.
>Next problem: how to get the rack out of the engine bay. The Haynes manual
>said "remove it through the apperture in the wheel arch". There are two
>wheel arches (Duh!) and the driver's (remember this is a UK spec car) side
>has far fewer restrictions. However, if you choose this one it almost
>squeezes through, but the splined bit sticks out a few millimeters too far.
>I almost got out the angle grinder to enlarge the opening in the wheel arch,
>but thought I would give it a try on the other side first. Having removed
>the tie rod, it came straight out through the opening in the passenger's
>Next problem: before I installed the new rack, I thought I would compare all
>the mounting points and connections. These were all fine except that the
>rack in the car (casting number 7832 163) had a large section milled flat to
>accept the very large banjo joint with the inset o-rings on the hydraulic
>feed from the pump. The recon rack (casting number 7832 191) had a very
>small section milled flat to accept a small copper crush ring.
>I went up to the loft where I had stored all the bits of my dismantled 1983
>Avant, got the old hydrualic hose that went between the pump and the rack
>and found that although the rack end was correct for the recon rack, the
>banjo at the pump end was much too small. I then realised that between 1983
>and 1989, Audi in their wisdom have changed the banjos on the racks, pumps
>and probably bombs as well (see
>http://www.sjmautotechnik.com/brake.html#bomb on Scot Mockry's web page).
>This has resulted in identical looking, but completely incompatible racks,
>pumps and bombs.
>I rang up the suppliers (Euro Car Parts) who assured me that according to
>their books there was only one rack used between 83 and 90 - the 444 422
>065M. When I told them that the number on the rack in the car was was 444
>422 065F they looked up the number and said that 444 422 065M was a suitable
>replacement. They then suggested that I ring up Audi to see if there was an
>adaptor kit available.
>Audi told me that there were FOUR different racks between 83 and 90 and that
>they were all virtually identical except for hydraulic connector
>differences. They also said that there was no conversion kit. A recon rack
>from them would cost GBP327. The rack I had bought cost GBP170, so I reckon
>I can afford to spend a few pounds coming up with an adapter hose.
>I plan to bring the new and old hose to a hydraulic hose specialist and get
>them to make up a custom one by reterminating the ends. Thanks to Mike
>Arman for suggesting that I remind them to include a restrictor.
>I think I have found a way out of this mess, but if anyone has been through
>this before and has any advice to offer, I'm all ears!
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