No Radiator Fan - Why??

Al Powell powellae at
Tue Sep 19 23:29:23 EDT 2000

Alex, Dave and others...I found out the problem with the radiator fan.
Almost inevitably, it was the simplest thing - a cracked fusible link.
Couldn't even see the crack until I manhandled it.  I had a spare inline
fuse holder designed for AC circuits with a 30A fuse handy, so I replaced
the fusible link with that holder and fuse.  The wire which came with the
fuse holder is almost - not quite - as thick as the wire running to the link
on the car.  The whole thing should work nicely, I think.

MAN, am I glad I didn't need to start working through various relays.

And THANK YOU to the Hon. Scott M., whose Aaudi reference pages never cease
to amaze and delight me.
Al Powell
Fort Collins, CO
Fax: 1-530-678-8837

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