difference between turbo and non-turbo 5-spds?

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Wed Sep 20 13:37:24 EDT 2000

People have suggested not being picky when going into a conversion, but I 
do see differences between turbo and non-turbo tranny's. The non-turbo has 
a final ratio of 4.111, but the turbo has a ratio of 3.889. I'd get better 
accel. out of the non-turbo tranny, but I'd also higher cruising rpms. But 
the real question is, can I put 170+ horse through that the NA tranny? It 
was designed for something like 100hp. The turbo was 162hp, something much 
more in its range. Is this just a difference in clutches and ring gears, or 
is it actually beefier internal parts? Are the NA and turbo clutches the same?

I'd like to get a parts car as recommended, but I seem to only find 
non-turbo 5spds or turbo quattros. The non-quattros are actually hard to 
find up here in CT [New England]. any help much appreciated.

-ameer antar

'84 5kT...190k miles

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