urQ Intercooler

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Thu Sep 21 03:07:40 EDT 2000

In a message dated 9/20/00 7:48:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
marcswanson at mediaone.net writes:

 I've got Bell's book too (don't have it in my house right now so I can't
 reference the chapter to be certain..), but I remember the opposite.. A
 thicker core is supposed to force more cooling since it (the air) must
 absorb more heat lengthwise as it travels throgh a thicker core....

    I believe the way he describes it is that if you are going to increase 
the efficiency of an intercooler, it should not be increased in thickness but 
in the number of rows.  By making the same rows longer, or thicker, you are 
reducing cooling efficiency because the same air charge passing thru the 
intercooler is being required to absorb more heat instead of using fresh, 
unheated air that would be used if there were additional rows.  Basically, 
you do not want to make the same air, or aluminum, do more work when you can 
enlist a larger frontal area to advantage unused air that is not already 
heated (increasing frontal surface area).  HTH?? its late, although if the 
only way you can go is thicker, than that is still an impovement over 

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