Where are they built?

Darringer, Chris Chris.Darringer at schwab.com
Fri Sep 22 13:33:23 EDT 2000

> I don't mean to malign U.S. auto workers.. I'm sure the majority are true
> professionals.  But I suspect they work under very great stress, and they
> are simply human.  Why is it that other countries can produce higher
> quality products?  Does anyone have any insights into this?

If what you say is true, I don't think you would see the German and Japanese
manufacturers making such large investments in American (and, in the case of
Audi, Hungarian) manufacturing facilities.  

In today's global economy, product quality seems to be more of function of
things like (1)the experience and reputation of the firm designing,
building, and supervising the manufacturing of the product and (2) the cost
of the engineering and materials that go into the product (i.e. you get what
you pay for).  

I don't think the things you like or dislike about the cars you mentioned
can be directly attributed to the people that put the cars together.
Unless, of course, they heard what you said about them and decided to stick
a bunch of marbles in the door of your new Mazda :)  

Chris Darringer

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