screen savers?

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at
Sat Sep 23 14:40:15 EDT 2000

I'll share mine with you.  It is a air shot of Stuck in an Audi race car 
starting to lift it's front wheels about a foot off the track, like a plane 
taking off. I have it as a 955 x 480 jpg and could attach it if you 
ask.  Also, I think it is at

Doyt Echelberger

At 06:00 PM 9/22/00 +0000, you wrote:
>anyone know of some cool audi/quattro/rally screen savers?
>the one i have now is pretty cool, 12 rally cars & 1999 calendar, but as 
>you can guess, i'm a wee sick of it (and the outdated calendar!)

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