replace oil cooler?

Joshua Van Tol josh at
Mon Sep 25 00:09:04 EDT 2000

>I'm rebuilding the engine on my '84 5kT, and I'm wondering if I 
>should replace the oil cooler. When rebuilding my MG engine your 
>supposed to change the oil cooler, b/c it stores clumps of carbon 
>and oil which hinders flow and can contaminate the oil. Is this an 
>issue in Audi 5-cylinders? I'd like the car to last a while, but 
>money is also a factor. An MGB oil cooler is under $100 for full 
>retail. What is it like for the 5kT? Any wholesale sources? The 
>hoses aren't leaking, but look stiff, so I will prolly change those 
>too. Any OE sources for cooler hoses? I already dealt w/ both turbo 
>oil lines...thank god. thanks.

I wouldn't think that oil cooler contamination would be a problem in 
a modern engine like the audi. However, if you do end up replacing 
your cooler and lines,  my experience with ordering them from Carlsen 
audi for a 1987 (which probably uses different lines and cooler) was:

Cooler: $211.50
Lines: $115 each.

Beware that the fittings can get all seized up, and ruin the cooler 
if you try to remove them.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at

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